Resourcing Leaders Summit

May 16th & 17th, Crewe
Join the RL HubSponsorship Enquiry




30 Strategic
Resourcing Leaders


16th & 17th, 2024

About the Event

The RL Summits are an all-expenses-paid (excluding travel) 1.5-day retreat for 30 of the top Resourcing Leaders to break their routine, share and learn from each other in a relaxed, professional environment. The leaders are made up of members from the RL100, the RL Hub and selected strategic leaders.

Amongst the networking & connection hours, throughout the conference, you will take part in interactive discussions, mixed in with top-level talks and challenger problems that provide the perfect forum to learn from, and help your peers with your own challenges & experiences. At the end of the first day, the group will come together as a collective for a champagne reception and a delicious dinner.




Elevate your Experience

We’re always on the lookout for for Guest Speakers, Facilitators, Panellists, Surgery hosts, Livestream Hosts and more across all of Summits.

Why should you take the next step at a Summit?

• You’ll have airtime with an audience of strategic TA leaders, people who care about the important themes for TA and will get behind interesting topics. In return, they will benefit from your experience and openness.
• You’ll have a chance to increase your profile and visibility beyond RL100.
• Knowing that your story and expertise will have helped individuals in the audience is a highly rewarding experience.
• Summits provide the perfect platform and audience for you to continue your speaker circuit, including featuring at other industry events such as RecFest.
• There are many ways to step forward such as speaking, facilitating, becoming a panellist on a leading theme or even leading a roundtable discussion.

What are we looking for in a speaker or presenter?

• Sharing Strategic content: A case study, experience or project execution which will be highly relatable to a senior leader audience.
• Unique Insight: Have you researched a new piece of learning, technique or idea which might be valuable for the Future of TA?
• Relatable topics: Is there a topic which others would find interesting to discuss and debate?
• Actionable tactics: Have you deployed a way of working which could be useful to discuss and share with the audience. Facilitate a session!
• Engaging: Have you had a brilliant session internally which you’d like to share with the community. Facilitate a session!
• Un-answered Challenges: Is there something that went wrong? Do you have a problem you’d like to crowdsource this audience to solve. Run a Surgery to get some ideas!

The RL100 Summits operate under Chatham House Rules and are not recorded and we encourage you to be as open and honest about your results for the betterment of the group.

Join your TA Community

Dive into the RL Hub, the dedicated platform for Senior Strategic In-House Resourcing Leaders