Jules Anderson

Senior Director, Global Talent Acquisition and Mobility, Gilead Science

For Jules, TA Transformation, Continuous Improvement, culture transition, AI and TA technology enhancements, program management and strategic planning are all areas of interest. Jules has worked in TA and Mobility longer than she is prepared to admit! She feels that the best thing about the TA profession is the wonderful people in it. When she’s not working, she’s walking her dogs, watching rowing, rugby, or power lifting and doing Pilates, swimming, or lifting weights.

What’s a professional achievement of yours from 2024 that you are proud of?

Completed my Masters of Science in Major Programme Management at Oxford University (2% off a distinction wouldn’t you know it! 🙄)

How has the RL Community/helped you this year?

This community is innovative, supportive, generous and passionate about TA. The in person forums are inspiring and challenge leaders to question and challenge each other in a safe space. The communications are excellent and RecFest is always enlightening. I am proud and grateful to be a member of this community.

What is your prediction for the TA industry for 2025?

Efficiency and effective methods to scale up and down quickly, effective RPO vendor management and relationships will be key.