Charlie St.Aubyn

Head of Talent, Uberall

Charlie is an in-house TA from 2005 and broader HR/talent for 6 of the last 9 years in European and global roles in Tech. In his free time Charlie runs, cycles, swims, skis, walks his dog, and has just got into sailing anywhere that is warm. Charlie is also a qualified and active Rugby Union referee.

What’s a professional achievement of yours from 2024 that you are proud of?

Supporting my then team through the challenges of being acquired and laid off

How has the RL Community/helped you this year?

The RL community has been amazing in its practical and moral support for those members faced with finding new roles in the toughest market in years. Just brilliantly supportive.

What is your prediction for the TA industry for 2025?

Increase in hires. More with the same or less. AI starting to trickle into process improvement